4. NEW JERSEY, Scott Niedermayer 4 (Jim Dowd) 9:47
June 20, 1995. That's how it looked in the box score. Pity the poor hockey fan who didn't see it happen, and only saw this in print the next day.
The question is often asked: what's the greatest play you've ever seen? For sports fans, it usually involves a superstar like Michael Jordan or Joe Montana, presumably executing a clutch play during an important playoff game. If you narrow it down to just hockey, the greatest moment would also lean toward some sort of overtime heroics from the Stanley Cup playoffs. But for this hockey fan, it wasn't an overtime goal that will always resonate - but it was a pivotal play at an incredibly crucial time, and as we approach the 20th anniversary of that moment, it's hard not to look back and revel in the same sense of awe that I had while watching on television that fateful evening.